A downloadable biblg tool

Baldi's Image Based Level Generator is a color coded image based level generator tool designed to be used for creating maps in Baldi's Basics mods. It comes with several different example level image files, as well as a demo scene.

Download Links

Gamebanana: https://gamebanana.com/tools/11237.

GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/baldis-image-based-level-generator/764576.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsBaldi's Basics, tool, Unity


BIBLG V1.1.unitypackage 494 kB
BIBLG V1.0.1.unitypackage 479 kB
BIBLG V1.0.unitypackage 478 kB

Install instructions

If you need help installing the tool into a unity project as well as using it, please watch this 2-part video series that I've created to help you out.

NOTE: When building an application in Unity, you'll need to delete the tool's folder, located at Assets>Tools>BIBLG in order to build your application without errors. After you've finished building your application and want to use the tool again, just reimport the tool's package into your Unity project.

Development log


Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.


Incase the newer version is broken and no longer follows it's intended colors from the guide, use an older version.


I can't believe that it's already been a year since I've released the first version of this tool!

I may update it again at some point to improve the tool and also make it so you no longer have to delete and reimport BIBLG every time you build an application in Unity.


 my computer is broken

Can you make Baldi's Fun New School Plus 2 Year Modding Anniversary Edition Android Port PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Stop asking For the ANDROID!

No. -Principalgaming

(1 edit)

I have a laptop go get a laptop/pc

I have a laptop but it's a slow version so probably gonna crash

So I'm using Android and some android mods suck

Buy a pc!!!!!

Holy Christ why the hell are you screaming at me Jesus itch io fandom really should fix them self



Will you release Baldi Kart?

In early 2023 (I think)

this looks really really hard there should be something for noobs like me


My GameJolt:https://gamejolt.com/@koryakuc


V1.0 of Baldi's Image Based Level Generator has been released! It's also available for download from GameJolt (https://gamejolt.com/games/baldis-image-based-level-generator/764576) and Gamebanana (https://gamebanana.com/tools/11237)!