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For some reason in story mode Baldi wont work he just stands there.


Cause you set the mode to easy




Good news first the cancer news was fake second I recovered my account


Why even joke abt cancer


I was no joking it was only cancer test result (now it's cured)


Then why say that it was fake?


Sorry I typed wrong word


ah ok

then edit it


Is there someway to get old versions of this mod?


BEST GAME EVER+!!!!!!!!!!

Deleted 25 days ago

Well, i'm not a dev... But did something with unity, and so, i think you can.

Deleted 25 days ago

Like, unityhub acts like just like sort of dashboard if i didn't forgot.


Why does baldi sound like joe tho?




Lol, yeah, if I was voice acting this, I would sound like the new voiced baldi (Lol)

Baldi: Oh hI WeLcOmE tO bAlDi'S fUn NeW sChOoL UlTiMaTe EdItIoN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

The Camera Is Slippery... On Mobile

Deleted 25 days ago

this is a great game thanks for making it

(1 edit) (+1)

is customizer on 90% or less/more?


im back!


Welcome back!


i just played the game yesterday, but today when i tried to open it didnt open, i tried re-installing it, but it didnt work, can you fix this?




We're on finish line by now, a few weeks and we will see f[ _ ]g dammit best editor in history of BB mods/fangames :D


also i hope JSG will change looking system on mobile, cause currently it's a TOTAL BUL[ _ ]!

...sorry got my emotions out


me when baldi


i didnt know what to write :sob:

(3 edits) (+4)

Like I said a few weeks ago, a new development footage video was going to be released on the BFNS Series Central YT channel, and now it's here!

I hope everyone enjoys watching it and seeing all of the improvements that have been made since the last development footage video, which is a lot thanks to the recently added development team members (GrandGames and SeenWonderAlex) who have been helping me work on the project as part of their contributions to the development of BFNSU.

By the time of the next progress update releasing in late September, I should be able to show off something that SWA has been working on for the project, which, not to spoil too much, might help make those bossfight recreations even more accurate.







(1 edit) (+1)

Look a baldi's basics in funkin 3rd year anniversary Reskin!


When is the new update come out


Be patient

(2 edits) (+1)

Let's just say, I hope this could go in the floor browser

JSP, if you add these to the floor browser, I would he happy :)


Can You Do Baldi Basics Modder App For Android?




maiamu mu sideliu

IUNI!!! *laser sound*


What is the access code im new


Hint In the text table there are small numbers


or just go into beta progress by clicking update checker, than click on beta progress, it's that easy! Haha!

. He doesn't know the code. He needs it to access it.

By the way, it should be 2489, if I'm not wrong.


customizer 0.2.6


An error has happened and the when I pressed continue it just crashed I tried to open it again but the same thing happened


Here is the save in the folder

in the link


Also Im Not a Little kid I'm 15





But just stop spamming pictures, it's just too off topic, and it's not pizza tower


Wait Im Still Here But JSPgames Can You add The Redrooms For when You Collect The Exits and add The new Plus Characters To the Game? This Is Just a Question For You. And Maybe Add Arts And Crafters Too. Okay Goodbye Im Off Of this Page For a VERY VERY LONG TIME


Hold on a second, to contact him the best you should visit his youtube channel and ask something in the latest community tab, worked for me! 


noise is probably a little kid spamming pizza tower pictures and he made our lives miserable but i really hope he learns his lesson and never does that again


let's [ _ ] go noise stopped spamming



The best thing in the game is Customizer

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes and why is there a deleted comment under me


There was a swear word, so I deleted it.


Oh okay

Deleted 182 days ago

Excuse me, does Gamebanana have a tutorial on making baldi?


bro how the [ _ ]

Deleted 184 days ago

This means I'm Done Commenting For a Few Days Months So BUH BYE


wait why did my freaking comment get deleted i was just telling you to stop because people will report you and i feel bad for you


Yes yeah finally



Deleted 155 days ago


If you make a download for iOS I will be SO happy!


That would be cool


I don't think that's possible.


But I will be a profile I think

Or just make .IPA file


Johnsterspacegames please disable comments Theodorenoise is ruining it


theodorenoise please stop spamming... This is not a Discord... In you POST messages


remember td7802? the guy who was spamming innapropriate comments


Yes, I remember him


he wasn't censoring his comments and this is why he got banned, that ban is definetly deserved


he was even a homophobe, he was making fun of a guy (which i think is his friend) because he became gay

tf is going on??


The are some chances for someone from my family have cancer 😭


Oh... I'm sorry. I recommend that you go to the doctor as soon as possible so that the person in your family has a better chance of recovering. The sooner it is detected, better. I hope that person gets better


Thanks my anxiety going out


cancer can't be cured although there are some treatments to slow down the cancer proccess it usually ends up causing death so I feel really really bad for your family member and i hope he never gets diagnosed with cancer


Idk but There are info from my family  someone has cancer






He only say unrelated thing about this game

Plus... It's not Pizza Tower


Ikr why can't he find some pizza tower game and go bamboozle to the comments


I reported him

Deleted 123 days ago


They Video can't Play but it's a Sped Up Video of Me Running Like Peppino


There are probably Reposts Of it on Youtube or Reddit


stop please!!!!!

Deleted 155 days ago

pizza tower addict


yeah, this is too off topic

Check out my Bandlab Account. it's where i just make random ass Music Here


peppino (spaghetti) vs the noise


Stop spamming bro ur gonna mess the replies

he say he gonna send when don't release beta 1

But that will be months.

(1 edit)


noise already finally stopped

Deleted 184 days ago


So Shut Up Thank you




Deleted 184 days ago

I made this on Picmix


(1 edit)


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