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I made my own level but when i tried playing it, it was stuck on a very long loading screen...

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its like that beacuse the level was being loaded with the files that you put on it will be fixed on beta 1 so you can see the loading screen where it shows you how long it has to load in!

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Baldi from BFNS+ Ultimate Edition meets Baldi from BBCR/BB+

you can tell which is bfnspue :skull:

Was a good game to mess around on!

Game #1

Game #1

Had a fun time with my friend while playing.

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baldi's basics classic remstered editor demo

download free dirscord

New song is out!


JSP record his voice few minutes ago and you post it...💀

Aww man... I guess I will move this into tomorrow

Whoops, sorry about that. But you can upload it late if you want to.

BB+ Elevator And Missioning

Hey I'm making a Roblox game called "Baldi's Basics: Insane Map Calamity!" Can you make music for it? Your Baldi's Basics is SO GOOD!

What do you think of the music I made today?


Its time for the April Fools Baka

Deleted 329 days ago



Congrats to mario meme for being in the Floor Browser Content and Happy late birthday JSP i didn't know March 29th was your birthday but i had to do it!


Is your game too laggy on floor builder

Just disable Lighting preview

This mod need original baldi plus characters

Will be added soon but now its unfinished project

POV: When you play BFNSPUE in random mode and you get a haroon or hameem level and it looks so good:

(3 edits)

When i first my first floors were kinda trash but i got better at it and now i am a good coder of the FC but thanks hope you enjoyed it! And also i am gonna try to get used to the new FC in beta 1 Soon


i like how good their floors can be sometimes, and how hard haroon's map pack is


What's this? 👀👀👀👀

Cooking something?

let him cook


JSG what do you think about a seed generator like in baldi plus?

(2 edits)

why is the level editor so hard to use, it's because it has a lot of lag when there is a big level



turn off lighting Preview it disables some stuff but it will reduce lag Bigger the levels are laggier it is

yeah but why won't the chunks just deload when you are not looking at them and load back when you are looking at them in the level editor


Wdym let me check that out

Thanks for the help!


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baldi's fun new school plus ultimate edition level editor demo

exmple level baldi's basics plus

can you post the mod on though?

i'm asking the same question as you


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Baldi camping *stap*

Woah this looks good and accurate for BFNSU Good Job!

I've made a third one that'll be in the update.

this looks like a touhou project boss stage song!

can you make baldis basics music for my baldis basics roblox game?


JSG, what do you think about "Floor customizer" optimization? Because in beta 1 we be able to create a massive floors, and the android users won't be able to run them, so I think about optimization there.

I agree with it


The second Floor Browser content update has just been released! You can read more about it here, and if you are interested in submitting a custom floor to potentially be added in a future content update, you can either submit it here or in a reply to this post with a download link to your custom floor.

okay but is my level here..

What is your level? If you can provide a link to it, I can add it to the next content update if you want.

Johnster, can you please add my floor? It's called "Baldi's New School!" (I had no idea what to name it)

My levels here that's cool

I've submitted the original Baldi's Flooded school patch version but it's not going to be updated because I already made a remastered version

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Map Yctp plus new

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baldi farming character new

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baldi camping character new

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bully baldi's basics plus vs bully bfns plus ultimate edition

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pzier 64 bits

please remove the crash from filename2 and glitched baldloon or whatever the hell they are called

The filesname2 name is Null, while the Baldi balloons name is Baldloon

i know that filename2 is null,  i just like to call him that


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this is super mario maker 2 an baldi's basics plus editor

this is super baldi maker 2

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music level editor OST new

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baldi's basics mario remstered


Jonhster Space Games (or anyone else for that matter)! Can you please give me the sprites from Baldi, Gotta Sweep, L'artiste Le Mal and Vincent the Venter?! I could really use them for my thumbnails for my youtube channel.


I only have sweep


Oooooh, what a nice sweep you got there. Can I have it?



Congratulations, I've got one of the sprites! Now all I need to do is...


Thanks for Gotta Sweep, looks great! :D

how do i view like the map and where all the characters are or like what each key does

Press the Tab key for the map

to take a screen shot jut press F2

WASD to move your player

And Use the Mouse To Turn your camera,Use items and interact with notebooks and doors

Hope this helps

Did you buy the map? It cost 800 bald bucks

could you add custom music for the track or not? just asking

They are already in

I meant like if we could have our own soundtracks added to it... not those ost's

I like it but nobody's on the online mode :((((((((

9/10 stars!

I've made a page with my custom floor. It's called "Baldi's New School!". I had no ideas for the name, so I picked a random from my head.

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JSP Face bfns plus ultimate edition v2.5c down customize


Hey principalgaming

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bfns plus ultimate edition v2.5c please customize now you can



texture:150 wall:left-right-up-down


door:look images

(1 edit) (+1)

I mean it is true beacuse its weird with the regular school Texture i am gonna say this one is improved good job


And the rest is already in beta 1 and bro v2.5c is not real just beta 1 thats all it


Hello everyone! Im gonna do something different and challenging! So im gonna do Daily BFNSU News! So if I don't forget about it so yeah... Coming Soon!


Oh thats intresting I wonder what news you have in the Future


Also i sub even though its a new channel lol


if you wanna know the access code its 2489


alot of people knows some people don't

(1 edit) (+1)

New mario meme also JSP you have permission to make me a playable character! in this mod and in Baldi fun new school remastered

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Your no longer mario meme beacuse the picture is not mario. wait a second why the head looks like cheeks💀

Deleted 220 days ago

youini guy who sent that image is it real or not

(3 edits) (+1)

some of them are kinda real but some of them aren't idk which ones are real but The only update we are gonna have is beta 1 v2.5c is not real he cap so don't get excited by it.

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That's just a hat with eyes


oh i mean it doesn't look like eyes its just like a Cheeks I am gonna ignore that


how do you make these

I used a 3D modeler program called Anim8or and I used the student model by wowozaboi which what you can find here

baldi wont have to reach that far to slap him anymore.

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