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Since it's almost the end of the year for me, here's a track that is for BFNS, but not a BFNSU track. Enjoy! <3

This is probably another rickroll... 

I'm not kidding.

Oh lol.

BFNSU defiently inspired many baldi fangames, including mine

(1 edit)

I Want Johnster to Eventually Update Baldi,s Fun New School Plus Classic Edition to its Initial Release, And IDK If 2 Floor Demo Will also apply (Like Idk? Add All 6 Floors to story mode?)

It's kinda late, week, but still: Johnster will release preview in 1 quarter of 2025, and will release public build of beta 1 after 4 weeks of preview release, if i'm not wrong.

youre kinda right

(3 edits) (+2)

Uhhh… What!?

(Note: I just downloaded Baldi’s Basics Plus 0.8 textures and look what happened, LOL.)

Guess all the images in the comments!













(1 edit)

Yeah, you’re almost right. It’s in order:

  1. IMG_2627.png or IMG_2627_0.png
  2. chk_g_old.png
  3. txt_inspiration_old.png
  4. Baldi_Wave0013.png
  5. CampfireFrenzy_TutPic_05.png
  6. Button_Standard_Pressed_NoColor.png
  7. ChaseCycle_6_Sheet.png
  8. SwingDoor_Locked.png
  9. HammerSwing_Frame_7.png
  10. pri_prize.png
  11. Segment_Sheet.png
  12. TentTexture_LightGuide.png
  13. hnt_phone_old.png
  14. Computer.png
  15. PicnicPanic_TutPic_06.png

How much score you got?


Wow, you’re good!


i have the asset to

really random question uhh when i download the game windows defender pops up this normal?

Yes. Just click run, it's not a virus or anything! Just have fun.

hi guys

Lets Go! Beat Floor 1 in 2x Speed, Extreme Mode and played as Jake, used only 2 BSODAs



Congratulations! You Beat My Dinner


yep, ur soul looks yummy (joke)



I Am back From baltimore and Surprisingly My Dad Got me a New PC.

It has...

Too Much Ram. I mean SO much.


I use 6 year old laptop and it run very fast

Mine's two years old now, and you're same as me! LOL.

A have an old Gaming laptop that i got 12 years ago and it runs like *ss. I takes 3 HOURS! just to turn it on.

Gosh, your dad is a hero, getting you the new PC...

Oh my Dad Is a PC mechanic. He Builds and Takes Apart Stuff

Deleted 74 days ago

Hello guys, I haven't speak in the chat for a long time, and Happy Christmas

But Im Muslim

(1 edit)

3 days ago?? Woah, we have different time zones...

alright lets get started broken ruler?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry for the meme anyways be patient the more you be patient the get to play is beta 1


BrOkEn RuLeR????!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!?!!?!



(1 edit)

Who's ready for 2025?? It's coming in 4 days!

Someone send me all the floors (story mode) layout, posters, tiles ,all the detailed map in BFNSU.


I know what He said. I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, 4x4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease; make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.

I actually Ordered this at Burger King and They Banned Me but still gave it to me. This Thing Has 24 Patties!

... A weird crabby patty... Yeah!

***Weird, but…

I did not order this.***


pls add more stuff and pls more update

Be patient.

yes i am

please wait for the update, i know that it might not seem reasonable for beta 1 to not be released for so long, but keep in mind that the developers also have their own life and cant tryhard making the update all day, this could lead to demotivation, which means beta 1 can be more likely to be delayed. be happy with what you have, the level editor and gameplay already have a ton of possibilities. you better want developers to take their time than rushing everything through just for beta 1 to be buggy and unpolished

(2 edits) (+3)

I have a new microphone that I’m considering using for future videos! Here’s what it looks like.


It also has RGB lights too! :)

(1 edit)

That's cool!

cool bro


I also have Nintendo switch but oled


You mean old, right?

No the expensive and bigger version


I got new phone for Christmas


Have a jolly Christmas, Kapi the Billboard!


O thank you

I Got New Loudspeakers for Christmas, And Alarm Clock.

Sure got a jolly Christmas! I got Baldi's basics plus!

Congrats! I'm meanwhile staying on my old 4/64 lol


this is samsung a 13

Wow :0 and merry Christmas

merry chirstmas kapi the billboard




Can you add button that open and close lockdown doors / or switch conveyor belts?

Speaking of those two...

Conveyor Belts and Lockdown Doors! (Also Swinging Door but inserting 25 cents and one-way door.)

Add them! It helps for decorating a schoolhouse!

Once it's important to make: Impossible obsticles, And also mod the value of 25 cent swinging door to insert 1-5 quarters, If it does work... I like this progress update!

(Fun Fact: I am Haroon Plays subscriber!)

Also, make the texture and then reply the image and then the test development!

Actually I'm new bfnsu at 2023 and I'm finally making a account because i want to comment so badly after 1 year December I'm finally to comment



Welcome to then!

I made a page of all JSP games for Android -


Who is ready for Christmas



me too

Deleted 39 days ago

Let's see what we get for Christmas!

KRISMAAAAAAAAAA- Sorry, couldn't not insert it)



It Was Already updated 2.5 Days ago


We will know after when the beta progress releases.


Fun Fact: Customized Creations is 99 seconds long, and it was unintentional.


Why was it unintensional?


Hi I'm new :)

Welcome to BBFNSU! Hope you enjoy your stay!

Can you make the html 5 version downloadable so I can play it offline.

(1 edit)

It actually does not work if you download it because this HTML5 engine can be only playable on a server.

ok, thank you 

Where are the beta 1 test versions?

Be patient.

Since it's been soo long that I've never had map ideas, I took a very loooooong break, and still, my goal is to get it in the floor browser. 


(1 edit)

Also, whoops- (Drops a video)

IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE- (Sorry for lag -MartinPresentsDEV.)

(1 edit)

Never expect you to react to my old videos lol. I look so different back then!

LOL. I'll be reacting to more soon!

Deleted 40 days ago

Nice track! Wish you were making OST for BFNSU!

Deleted 39 days ago

Yeah, I agree! It would be nice to have another great soundtrack composer for the project.

(2 edits) (+1)

Maybe you could ask him if he wants to be an official composer if he’s okay with it. I’ll be happy to listen to their music too!

You should also check out this music too that was made by the same person! It’s really good!
Deleted 39 days ago

Thanks! So, would you like to become an official composer for Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate, like Haroon Plays and some other people are? If so, it would be best if you send soundtracks you compose to my email at in .mp3 format preferably.

Whats The code for the secret floor

What do you mean by that? There is no secret floor yet.

I think they meant the code to unlock the beta progress checker.



Also u can check my new project soon

Hi guys it's me Mario Meme and I changed my OC I'm changing this because Mario Meme doesn't make sense and I decided to change everything so it's better so people will understand this is a better rebrand

Hey johnster It says I have to request Access to Get in the signup form

(1 edit) (+1)

The 16th progress update for Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate has been released! You can read it here and see what work has been done since the last progress update.


yeah! also i made a fun soundtrack, Party V2, i dont know if BFNSU will ever use it though, anyways heres the soundtrack link, also pls dont make fun of it beacuse im still just getting started.

I understand.

Deleted 82 days ago

only laisono2

Deleted 82 days ago


it ain't 1 PM lil bro😭🙏

Yk countries have different time zones?


A mi también me paso lo mismo Pana,pero después gracias a Google descubrí que 1 PM EST es igual a las 3 PM


The progress will be here today... WHO'S READY??


I’m Ready!




If I see you in the development testers page, I'll say hi! :)


I am so excited to become a development tester


I will!


Also The beta 1 progress Update updated a few Hours ago and Now Beta 1 Is 51% Done!







(1 edit) (+1)

The track is coming out today so I'll just comment this to remind everyone!


I'm Saying this Now Because I have to Abandon my PC for a Few days. anyways I will be Bringing a travel laptop to Baltimore With me.

I'll be there sometime...

Merry Early Christmas. 



It's today

Deleted 82 days ago

jorge, i swear you. THERE IS A REPLY BUTTON

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