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(1 edit) (+7)

The official trailer for the V0.2.5b update will be releasing tomorrow! The release date will be revealed, along with a look at the Floor Browser and something else...


Can't Wait 👀


Finally it's happened


Can't wait for me too keep up the good work JSP


Wait i think i saw the menu of floor customizer the button of floor browser will be put around the menu😯


Yeah I’ve noticed that too

The 1st one is the return button and the 2nd button must be floor browser



Cant wait for it!


The cameras outside down in Android version also is there online mode in the game


yea its multiplayer but multiplayer isnt available on android yet


Are you the Dev if you are not the Dev then tell the Dev about the Bug with the Android version or mobile the cameras upside down

im not one but i dont think johnster will ever add auto rotate but flip your phone upside down to play it

My camera is in real shake so touching it is makes me uncomfortable did you try saying to the Dev he doesn't have to do auto rolle he could just make it side up

Deleted post

Anyone know what the special code is to get the place from floor 2 ?


Its on the sign



Nothing has changed now for theres alot of wips nothing changed💀💀💀



i messed with the code


welp goodbye to your progress


I played this on mobile


whoever is late to JSP Live its ok you can watch it anyways

Random mod bug on the floor RF7. ELEVATOR BROKEN!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

we already know this like 65 days ago beacuse its gonna be fixed in 2.5B

yea that one floor is impossible to beat at the last elevator but it will be fixed like Hameem said

(1 edit)

JSP in beta 1 can you add some math machines in some of the floors except floor 1 it will be cool doing some math with the machine

hi is there a way to reduce fps if your graphics are hd?, also this game is awesome i would like more, but i would like you to add an option where you could change ur fov ;)

Get a iphone 15 pro max to reduce it lol

im on chromebook

same lol




(3 edits)



it isnt, ur device probably thinks its a virus


how do I get golden notebook in story, if it exists yet

Its not here yet beacuse the lore is not done the golden notebook is for the last floor is floor Err that floor is actually wip so its not out yet waiting is the best way to get the golden noteboos

There's more than 4 floor (1,2,3,err,4 and 5 if I found in game file)

oh so it is in floor 6 then

(3 edits) (+1)

So i decided to make a fanmade version of floor 3 in bfnspue story mode the original floor 3 was alright and it was easy to beat instead this one is alot harder then the original the original one will have more notebooks so it doesn.t matter hope you enjoy it:)

Link here:

Note:Don.t worry this is a bfnspue level by me and its a safe link like other people has.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ngl its kind of easy to make ultimate mode map you just have to stay up all day and your done making ultimate mode 18 notebooks!                                                                               !



when minimap update I think I need to update my save file

Jonster Is making a 0.5 beta


Litterally When no one gets an error



me when alone in home:


good mod!


hello uhh can you add part 3

No 💀


Redrew The Baldi Plush Bc yes 




guys im scared to click that strange link so if somebody can click for me and tell me whats in there i will give him a teser for something cool that im working on (p.s im working on some baldi stuff)

Deleted post

thank you. so im making a baldi mod but it will the classic game whit the BBCR (Baldi basics classic remastered) impromivents and after i done not only i will reales the mod (not mod) playable but i wll also realese as a new baldi decompile to help people for making theri decompile like BBCR.

How are you scared to click the link?, Just run in it viruscheck.

I'm A Marketable Plushie Now, Haha!

(1 edit)

I didn't know baldi had red hair and eyebrows and shoes


I've remade the unofficial it's a bully bossfight!

Here it is!

if this music is good jsp needs to add this then.

Nice one 👍👍👍

There's already an it's a bully bossfight made by nicec00lkidd

Yes I know that this was made before nicec00lkidd make the it’s a bully bossfight

V1 was made when the dev build for v0.2 came out btw

Hey johnster can you make it so you can see your stamina in the boss fights?

Oh thats true JSP add that that you can see your Stamina.


Happy Haloween


Halloween is over bro.


i know




So today uhh baldi decided to buy himself a ipad or ios heres proof

i played that game on roblox btw



whats the game name


(1 edit)

the roblox experience name.




looks like raldis cr**khouse


yep its roblox version of it.

Just say 'Crackhouse' why u gotta censor it


you stupid unadopted dickhole don't call me idiot catlover2022 you pussy


Bro I just found this on yt wth

i think im gonna die of cringe


me too ☠☠☠


that jumpscare tho 💀💀💀


Pov: average baldi's basics modification:




Same 💀

bro set the video to private due to how cringe it is lmfao

Original model Of BFNSPUE Really good and quality.

Roblox model by Darksky which you should play right here the game is kind of bad but its fun though.


I have some more information to share regarding the upcoming V0.2.5b revision update. For the 8th schoolhouse getting added to Random Mode in the update, it's going to be a little different than the other 7 schoolhouses in that gamemode. The 8th schoolhouse is mainly being added to test the feasibility of a feature I've been thinking about adding to the Floor Builder in Beta 1. Meaning the new Random Mode schoolhouse is going to (not to spoil too much) be somewhat bigger in a way...


Huh intresting

it can be with seeds?

(1 edit) (+2)

3 More Things to go For the 0.2.5B realese:o

1. bully Bossfight


3.Minimap Ubgrade To the Matt store.


Ngl this is the biggest revision update in the project Thats why we have to wait months for this can't wait for it JSP.


2 playtime and 3.Minimap Ubgrade To the Matt store.

You mean 4 more things?


so much waiting 0.2.5b


ok, so, what dos the thing in my last coment mean? eny therys?

ok ya by


oh, god did you find the secret, hint: use the portal poyster on the wered wall on florr 1


"Button in principal's office left to the chat"


or just press the button in detention.

There is no portal poster in floor OOOONNNEEEEE! ... *silence for 20 seconds* HAHAHAHAAAAA


V0.2.5b is back!


Another Suggestion, Could you also add the Baldi Head Indicator by some chance?

(3 edits) (+1)

Happy Halloween 2023! You can watch my video showing a look at the new (and larger) JSP Pumpkin that I carved this year below! Also, a trailer for the V0.2.5b revision update where the release date will be revealed is coming out soon, so be on the lookout for that as well!


hope my progess wont be reset when it updates, since i play on WebGL

Same bro that sometimes happens to me even when it didnt update


I'm not 100% sure why that happens sometimes, but maybe it has something to do with save data persistence (when trying to save/load from a json file) on the web version being different to how it works on other versions of the game, which could potentially be what causes save data to be reset sometimes after the release of an update.

If this is the case, I may just end up using a different method for saving/loading data on the browser version that would hopefully keep the data and not reset it after each update.


NICE! also you sound ill.


Tommorow will be Football season⚽⚽⚽






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